2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 1/15 Activity Blogs Photos Groups Events Desktop view entrance ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 2/15 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The last great deception Article and commentary from NEO May 27, 2017 Source of translation: http://conspiracyrevelation.com/2016/04/death-and-thetunnel-of-light-the-final-grand-trick/ When you remove the curtain from all illusions, what you find seems completely ridiculous. It is so absurd, so far from what we perceive. as a reality that many people do not want to believe it. This is beyond science fiction. 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 3/15 �Truth is paradoxical to such an extent that it is completely opposite to conventional notions,� said Georges Bataille. Consider what really hides behind this curtain. Behind the appearance of what we perceive, truths appear that contradict reality. This is not what we think. We were trapped, in slavery for thousands of years, without even realizing it. We are in a labyrinth of illusions, with controllers at every turn. Once long ago in prehistoric times, multidimensional demiurges came to our Earth to plunder it. They enslaved humanity and declared themselves as all-powerful Creator Gods. The Gnostics called them archons. They are predators who raise us like their flock, just as we grow animals on a farm. We represent food for them. We are under their rule for thousands of years. The gods we pray for in the hope of salvation are the very same criminals who torture us. They are our Masters, and they are our enslavers, but we are convinced that they are our creators and Saviors. Is there no irony in this? Yes, it all looks pretty ridiculous. Not at all what it seems. All of this was recorded in ancient legends, writings, stories, and religious and cultural testimonies. This is not just some wild story, composed by some kind of person with a sick imagination. The reality is actually much stranger than any fantasy. I can understand why so few people want to know the reality. David Ike talked about this in detail, just like Michael Zaryon and many others. I wrote a lot about the matrix and the awakening from it. As the hazy veils of illusion fall, reality becomes more and more visible. But the matrix extends much further. Outside the earth's matrix, there is a cosmic 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 4/15 matrix, which is rather lengthy from our point of view. There are levels or dimensions of the cosmic matrix, since it extends to eight dimensions of space. In the cosmic matrix there are many constructions of false light, each created by a demiurge, a selfappointed deity. Each design of the false light can be expanded to eight dimensions, and also they are huge in size, each of them may seem as huge as the Universe, and yet they represent only a small part of the entire Universe. But when you are inside them, they seem all around. Just another illusory ploy. Many of these realms of false light spread around our planet through the programming of people's consciousness. For example, Jehovah is a self-proclaimed God who created his own matrix of false light. His kingdom extends through all cosmic dimensions and is vast in scope. It manifests itself on our planet through the minds of Jehovah�s followers, as they are programmed to believe in their doctrine, and thus they perceive the world as being colored in these beliefs. Death and the tunnel of light - the last great deception There are many New Age religions and teachings on this planet, so we have many realms of false light that exist simultaneously, each automatically through the programmed minds of their followers. You can have a space filled with Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc., and each of these realms of false light exists in one space, each within the programmed consciousnesses of followers. Each person, through his programmed consciousness, perceives reality through the filters of his beliefs and therefore imposes the illusions of a matrix of false light on the truth. 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 5/15 Each of these realms of false light has many sublevels in its heavens. The Puranas have many descriptions of the worlds of Hindu gods and goddesses. There are also descriptions of seven layers of demonic worlds. This is heaven. From what I have gathered, it seems there are many demiurges, each with their own false kingdoms of light, and all under the same screen. George Kavassilas describes them from his wanderings, saying that they are all under Jehovah. What I have described so far is only one of the stages of the monstrous crime committed on humanity. You see, it�s not enough for them to enslave us and feed us in this life. We are trapped in their network. It is called the wheel of samsara. Reincarnation is slavery, I explained earlier about how souls are transferred to new bodies in the matrix. �So the next question is:� What happens when we die? � When we die, we enter the cosmic matrix, another construction of false light, which we call heaven. Our souls were trapped in this prison of gods. After spending some time in the false skies, we will return to the same cycle again. This is called the wheel of samsara, the cycle of birth and death. � The fact that in religions and New Age is called paradise, there are all constructions of false light, where souls get repetition of pain and suffering caused to them in their earthly incarnations - the pain caused to them by the very God whom they pray. Even in the �heavens�, souls still feed on souls. Then they go to a new body in a matrix, with a short lifespan � too short to be able to find a way out of the maze. Controllers exist everywhere. This is the plight of humanity. This short video from Star Trek gives some insight into the reality that everyone faces when they die. 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 6/15 This is the last great deception. It doesn't matter what you do or what you believe here in the earthly body, at death we are being deceived again. We are being tricked into going to heaven to use it again. When a person leaves his mortal flesh immediately, he is completely disoriented. He can meet angels or loved ones who will convince a recently passed soul to follow him. Or he may discover a tunnel leading into the light. He will be pulled into the tunnel, where he will be met by angels, guides, relatives, etc. The recently passed soul assumes that she is in a real paradise. But all these angels, relatives, etc., are not really the ones they pretend to be. Val Valerian is the pseudonym of a former CIA employee who wrote the matrix books ten years before the films. Here is what he writes in Matrix II and Matrix V: �They [the gray aliens] are those who wait in the light when a person dies. The person then re-moves to a new body, and the process begins again and again ... Hence, the light and the tunnel into the trap. Scanning anyone they want to send to a new cycle, who are already close to death, the aliens discover a person already approaching death. They project images of a person (people) in a white light tunnel, and this image waves in invitingly, luring you deeper. If you choose to follow, you can fall into the trap and be sent to a new reincarnation of your choice ... these entities look at Earth as a big farm. � Janeway vs. e� 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 7/15 In Matrix V, Valerian writes: �This shows that the Empire actually has an understanding of the spirit, but it is trying to shorten it. The Trap of Light and the Tunnel is a relatively new project, but one that will fail, and now they know it. �Go to the Light,� say those who have experienced near-death experience. They are merchants who have chosen to advertise this speculation of the aliens. Never enter this light. Go up, left, back, right, or anywhere, but not there. Demonstration in the media of the trap of light and the tunnel (shown in the movie "Ghost", where the hero willingly enters the sparkling trap) is an attempt to make people buy into this goal. " I agree with what he described. We enter the cycle again and again until we break free from it. The light and the tunnel at the time of death are traps. Last dirty trick. There are so many books describing the experience of death, OSB, people turning from heaven, going into the light, etc. They all talk about the road into the light as a gateway to heaven. This is just a big cage with a large number of toys. Again, all these books just to mislead you, just like the waiter Andrea in the movie The Meaning of Life by Monty Python. What they describe is a rest between bodies, where only a few understand that they are still fed. These are the energies of trapped souls in the heavens that help create the celestial construction of false light. The main god also feeds on captured souls Clap! Holy Shit! This is really a dirty trick. It is simply assumed that each of you is supposed to go through the tunnel into the light at the time of death. Each suggests that loved ones and the angels that meet us are real. Everyone assumes that at the time of death God calls us back to his abode ........ well, he does it. It's just not the god you expect. Everyone assumes that after death he is free from slavery. I 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 8/15 am happy to make a hole in the Great Illusion. Welcome to the space matrix. Rabbit Nora is getting deeper. So what are we supposed to do after death? Well, I can not say with certainty. I would definitely not head towards the tunnel and the light. And if Angels and relatives appeared, I would thank them politely for the invitation, but would refuse to accept it. The only light that you should be interested in is the light that comes from your inner soul. Follow this light, the light of your Higher Self, luminous deep within you. I am sure, then you will find your goal. It is said that Jesus, after his resurrection, opened the gates of heaven, which have been closed since the time of Adam. Adam was the first product of genetic engineering, implemented by gods over man long ago. This time the matrix was created, and we are locked here until now. If Jesus reopened the gate to freedom, to true paradise, if he destroyed the tunnels leading to false heavens, then the priests closed this gate shortly after he left. Jesus noted in the Gospel of Judah that God the Jehovah, whom his disciples worshiped, was not his God, his God was within him. Perhaps Jesus taught the true path, but then his whole teaching was distorted by the priests. I raised this topic because I have an optimistic feeling about all this. I noticed that there are large groups of people who are somehow aware of this alien program, when we see the size of the audiences that David Ike, Michael Zarion, George Kavassilas and others gather who have turned into alien influences on our planet. When David Ike first began talking about aliens and family trees, people thought he was crazy. However, now, less than 20 years later, it is becoming widely accepted by many people. More and more truths are becoming open. I still do not see those who would speak about the light and the tunnel at the time of death, or what we use cyclically in this prison. I revealed this last summer in the article 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 9/15 �Reincarnation is Slavery�, and I probably mentioned it somewhere else. But reading the words written by Val Valerian, for the first time I see others talking about this huge, terrible deception. Val Valerian writes: �The trap of light and the tunnel is a relatively new project, but one that fails, and now they know it." Maybe if enough people can realize this grand deception, their soul reincarnation project will fail? Perhaps that this project is being destroyed because of its own weakness or other factors. Can the gates of freedom open? If so, I would have worked to open them. Therefore, despite this terrible deception, I feel optimistic that perhaps there is a time this project and this deception to roll. I hope this is so, because the outside world seems to be moving towards strong turbulence when a lot of shit starts to fly. Whatever happens, at least we now know that we cannot go into the light or the tunnel. Spread these words. The end of the article. My comment. Regarding the topic under discussion, the fact that our planet has been turned into prisons and escape from it, it is impossible to answer this question ambiguously. On the one hand, now it has become fashionable to talk about it, therefore these materials are emerging. Only recently have similar thoughts been translated and voiced by Cobra, Wes Penre, Val Valerian, Lisa Earlier, Eric Raines, Maggador, Gilliedn and others. The trap is designed in such a way that the souls of people do not even doubt that there is LIGHT and Love, that they are expected and welcome 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 10/15 there, because such forces are involved that once thought themselves equal to God, and if the ascended masters fall into these snares, then to talk about simple immature souls? Remember how Michael Newton on the other side meets soul mates and with their guides begin to develop plans for a new life. Even those On the other hand, not everything is so simple. After all, it was not for this that we came here, although the Earth has long been considered a black spot and most advanced souls have bypassed this sector of the galaxy to just dump it when we get the chance. Yes, and how will you �look into the eyes� of your loved ones when they leave this monastery and face the possibility of being trapped again? Does it exist? Yes, rather. Is Earth Jail? Rather, too, yes, but not for everyone. He who is strong in spirit can straighten him up and become a Cosmic Man. So the definition of the School also has a place to be. Reading some of those who say that the Earth is a prison, sometimes you feel the same manipulation as in everything else that exists on Earth. Maybe, this whole concept of the earthly prison is the same attempt to manipulate the consciousness of the atlantists to bring the world into the state they need. Cobra spoke about it more than once: New Atlantis. It seems all is well, people do not starve, there are no wars, it looks like prosperity, but there is still a monetary system (in all advanced societies of higher dimensions there is no money in principle) and the question is whether humanity will strive for something higher? Now Cobra says that the Curtain is becoming thinner, and people with a strong spirit can avoid mistakes. But is it? Ibrahim Hassan at one of his recent seminars told about a woman who was previously at one of his conferences and died. At the same time, 2/6/2019 Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception Article and Comment - ESPAVO (International Association of Light Workers) espavo.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 11/15 when the light and the tunnel appeared, and it began to be sucked in, she called to his name, and then he helped her free herself from the chains of reincarnation. One of my friends claims Let everyone decide for himself what he chooses. About the author: Greg Kalays: �In the fall of 2003, I suddenly found my whole life completely destroyed for several days, and I was dragged, with kicks and screams, into the abyss, while I was desperately trying to cling to straws on the way down. Plunging into this abyss, I was forced to treat everything in my life with merciless honesty. It turned out that I was not really a good, caring spiritual person, whom I thought I was. I spent 35 years in search of truth, practicing yoga, meditation, the acquisition of knowledge, suggesting that I am on the right path. But I was not on the right track. Instead, I saw that I was a selfish, manipulative, deceptive person with many interests. I was a scarred, traumatized, frightened, angry, offended person, hiding behind a false personality, which I somehow considered to be real. Yes, it was a very bitter disappointment. I described it in the book Awakening is a Destructive Process. Therefore, I have nothing to be especially proud of for my awakening. It is only through Grace Above that I have awakened. Greg is the author of the site riverbankoftruth.com Greg Kaileys - Death and the tunnel of light. The Last Grand Deception